Dog Walking Expectations

When you spend several hours a day five times a week in the dog park, you inevitably end up chatting with dog owners.

What most owners will tell you is how delighted they are with their dog walking service. You get a few who have some concerns and then the odd one who is put off dog walkers in general by what they have been told or read on social media.

Let's clear the air on some of the topics brought up in conversation.

Yes, we ask for a police check during the interview process. And why wouldn't you when dog walkers are given keys to our client's homes, we make it a standard procedure.

Is there training? We do two weeks of practice training from picking up the dog, managing four dogs in the vehicle, how to offload safety at the dog park and get in the gate, (Dogs often crowd the entrance and scuffles can break out), arguing over a ball, passive-aggressive behaviour, signs play is escalating.

We show our trainees how to enter a client's house, where the dog will be and if they need to put a collar on the dog. (Your Critter Sitter use our own leads). Being given permission to enter a client's home and retrieve their dog is respected at all times. We do not enter rooms, not explicate for collecting the dog. Keys are given out and taken back and marked off at the end of each day's shift.
